I only saw the first part of FOTR and a couple of scenes of the second part. I think the picture quality is a big improvement over the DVD. As for the green tint, it's not noticeable everywhere but in some shots, the skin tones seem a bit off. Where I find it the noticeable is when there is some white background like snow.
Keep in mind that if I hadn't read the reviews I would have probably never noticed that but since I know it's there, obviously my mind is looking for it.

As for the audio, it was already excellent on the DVDs but it seems to me that the LFE is stronger on the BD. It is definitely demo worthy.

@Catbrat: typically, when studios recognize that they made a mistake on the transfer, they'll make an announce stating that I exchange program will be in place for people that already purchased the movies to have a proper transfer. You would then call a number, explain the situation and they they would have you send the discs with a proof of purchase. That happened to me already twice, for Gladiator and the Matrix trilogy (Revolutions disc although in this case I didn't have to send the disc back)

"The problem is choice..."