While I'm thinking about it, I'm going to add some wood to the spots where I want to mount a couple of M3's. I'm thinking boxy M3's about 2-4 feet down from ceiling on the wall I'd be primarily facing. Need to order some more speaker wire.

I'd also like to get some sort of stereo receiver / CD player for this room. One option, although a little pricy is Marantz M-CR603 Network Stereo Receiver with CD player for $699. I'd prefer the silver model to match the intended decor. Room colors/materials will be green, white, chrome, glass. I plan on glossy white M3 speakers.

(I'll probably hire an exterminator for the silverfish problem. I want to empty the attic of all insulation first. Then exterminate, then add new ceiling lighting, then add new insulation.)

I bought a 12000 btu portable room air conditioner for this room, and it sure helps keep it comfortable while I'm working in there. I plan on leaving it in this room for extra cool during really hot days. (At least it's white.) I'll be venting it to the garage, which is just a hole in the wall from this room.

New replacement triple pane windows should be installed in roughly 2 weeks from now.

Last edited by CatBrat; 07/25/11 04:58 PM.