I own a pioneer dv-585A dvd player.
that is my primary audio source for easy listening and access to my cd library

my computer sound card emu 0404 on internal pci interface does a good job at processing sound.This is my secondary audio source.

there is advantage to not use a computer as dedicated sound station and i did a little error:

My computer is blocked between my speakers pair.
it distract all the family while listening music.

I found a spot in the next room where to put the comp at.
50~ feet lenght of rca audio cable is needed for the wiring.

I just got answers to my questions.

Thank you very much smile


I know about audio clipping i can't avoid by my own even if i set my volume master in software to avoid reaching 0dbfs at max lvl peak.A clipped sound is clipped forever lol.
Buying the right cds with ethical recording where people don't follow the loudness war cult is the way to go :p
but that's not the subject.