Sounds good. So what are some of your favorite things people bring?

I forgot to mention a killer topping for pies. It works particularly well with Pecan pie but is also great with Apple and Pumpkin. Get a small carton of 35% whipping cream, go to the liquor cabinet and get that bottle of Grand Marnier, the pantry for the vanilla extract (or fresh vanilla pod if you have any) and an electric mixer.

Place the whipping cream in a bowl (I like to have the electric mixer attachments and the bowl cold prior to this). Toss in a shot or two of Grand Marnier, a splash of vanilla extract and whip using an electric mixture until the whipping cream reaches stiff peaks. Have to keep this cold until serving.

Oh and if you are serving hot rolls, a killer way to kick them up is mixing a splash of Canadian Riesling or Vidal ice wine into some room temp butter. To make it fancy grab a pastry bag with attachment and pipe it into a small bowl. Really tasty stuff!

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne