The thing that makes the 80's horrifying to me, is that you were all in high school, or junior high. For a few of you, it was grade school.

No decade is ever a win or a loss when it comes to creative pursuits. There will always be some of the worst of the worst getting most of the big attention, but some of the highest quality endeavors are brought to light in each month, in every year, in every decade. Established artists may still at their peak and new ones that will come along who will enjoy warranted staying power. All of your own fave lists include them.

And you're omiting the absolute greatest influence ever on pop/rock music and it's consumption that DEFINED the 80's---globally---the music video.

What am I saying? I'm talking to the Barney crowd, and I don't mean Barney's NY. They didn't sell childrens' sizes in the 80's.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.