Originally Posted By: CatBrat

Here's a picture of one of my doors jams. Notice
1) the piece of wood that's up against the door when it's shut.
2) the metal strips in front of it that snug up to the door when it's shut.

I find a sweep to work well on the bottom of my front door.

I got my dad to pick up the exact same type of weatherstripping, and he installed it the exact same way (I wasn't up). The main principal of weatherstripping is that it creates a contiguous seal around the door, and while that fin-flex type gasketing is a good product, if you have to cut a section out for the latch - and it's almost inevitable because it's wide - , the utility is lost because air will just infiltrate the house there.

Not being critical, I'm just saying.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.