Another update - several weeks later still using Slacker. I am not as impressed with the online content, there seems to be several labels that won't allow streaming in Canada, although main stream stuff is there and lots of fringe too - I just see many list items greyed out as I troll around on a discovery quest. It still keeps the music discovery happening though which is what is important to me. However now that I am building up a history what I find neat is that I have a long list of songs from many genres that I have flagged as 'loved'. With a couple of clicks I am listening to a radio station that is based on all of my favourite songs - so it plays those songs plus I can let the station wander around a bit for even more exploration. I know none of of this is really ground breaking but it is really working for me. Since Pandora is just not an option in Canada (well officially anyway wink ).


On-Wall M5HP LCR, QS8 & EP500 in 7.1