Let's see.

Charles hit 10,000 posts and gave a victory speech crediting Regina for his inspiration. Regina blogged that "Charles is, by far, my favorite fan but please move your tent every two to three days so you don't kill my lawn."

JP is still pretending not to be BigWyres.

Mark's humor is still plentiful but he no longer seems obsessed with teen vampire hunters. Also, I think Bob wrecked his kitchen.

Speaking of Bob. Bob declared that we are all way too metro-sexual for his tastes but yet still manages to make fun of vinyl finishes.

Tom fights his unfair, metro-sexual label by mentioning bacon in every post. Simultaneously, Nick has recently discovered the +1 button and this has made Tom's bacon posts some of the most popular items on Facebook.

Jake continues to spit on us all in his signature. I don't think he ever liked us much.

Randy is mad at JP because JP changed the login password on the BigWyres account and no longer allows Randy to co-author it. Thus it has be quiet on that front.

JohnK moved to a commune and is said to be heating his log cabin with inefficient tube amps.

Cam has lead an armed uprising and declared his block to be it's own micro-country called "The Socialist Republic of Camhungalot". Well, it's actually only mostly socialist. He does has several bikini clad women chained to his chair like Jabba the Hut.

Rumor has it that the giant bill of material lists from his HT project has the DEA investigating Nick's income sources. Also, the Chinese have switched their hacking efforts from taking out the US electrical grid to spying on what he might really be up to inside that super-soundproofed facility.

We discovered Sean is really 1/2 Mexican, 1/2 Emperor Penguin. Only his nanny was actually Irish.

Brian has sued Amazon for preemptively not living up to warranty promises on a TV that he hasn't purchased yet.

Peter's Twitter Feed has been published in it's entirety by Ron Howard as a clue towards a big secret to be revealed in the next Da Vinci Code movie.

Fred started a secret society dedicated to defeating evil landlords everywhere. He is backed by the neighboring Socialist Republic of Camhungalot.

Bren is back and apparently has a new girlfriend. 2012 End of the World fanatics have been stirred into yet another panic by the news.

And oh yes.......... Ken still has long hair.

As for me, I continue to use you all maliciously to amuse myself while attending boring conference calls.

Sorry. I know I missed a few people but my call is over.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.