Originally Posted By: Murph
I feel your pain. We also went through the same trauma last month with a leaky faucet. It went down something like this.

Leaky faucet --> Buy a new 45 cent rubber gasket.

I already had a faucet "repair" kit with the rubber gasket, springs, etc. It would have been an easy fix, but one of the things on our "hit list" when we bought the house was to update the bathrooms. So this was my wife's way of getting the hardest part of the guest bathroom done. We actually bought the faucet, vanity, and sink several months ago, so it was just a matter of time. It will be nice to have it done. Of course, then I need to hang the matching mirror (that isn't a problem, but the old mirror is glued to the wall, so it will probably be a mess behind there and the new mirror (just watch) will be a little smaller.
I also need to get a new light for above the mirror, but that can wait a little bit. I need to start building my stage and riser for my theater. Or at least start getting the lumber and cut the pieces while the mudders/tapers finish their bit.

Farewell - June 4, 2020