Just to keep the conversation lively, here are two pieces for which I'd gladly pay a premium to obtain a good multi-channel recording:

The first is Respighi's "The Pines of Rome." The first time I heard this piece performed, the orchestra included 5 or 6 small brass choirs spread around the various corners of the theater. Talk about surround sound! The effect was, um, really effective! Capturing that kind of a performance in full surround would be a great way to show off the capabilities of multi-channel audio.

The second is one of Zappa's final concerts where a live ensemble performed "The Yellow Shark." It was presented in 6-channel surround, with speakers at the front L&R, center L&R and rear L&R of the audience. In addition to the main mix, Zappa used little costumed guys with fishing poles to lower hula hoops over the heads of soloists. The hula hoops had 6 mics positioned around the hoop which sent the solo out to the various corners of the PA system. I've always wanted to hear that one in surround...

Music is the best -- FZ