Not until I was almost 50 and got downsized from my artsy-fartsy "career" (colleges/museums). I started doing specialty finishes on walls and woodwork. I worked on so many new wood pieces (built-ins, bath cabs, etc.) that were overpriced and designed and built like crap, that I just had to start offering it to my clients. I'd done it only for myself for 20 years. Ha, it was fun then. The instant anyone offers me $$ for something I enjoy doing, the fun gets sucked out in that same instant. S'why I couldn't make it as a callboy.

You really did a great job on it and I would hurt someone in exchange for that much open floor! Ehh, I'd just buy tons more stuff and still end up with a 10 x 20' workspace.

What happens in there when it's not the weekend?

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.