We've just finished the testing of the new server and we think things are running smoothly now. Several of you noticed the boards going down, as did other parts of the website, as we made the transition today.

Here is the gist of what I posted at CA just now:

In order to eliminate all possible threats, we made an emergency site move to a new brand new machine, moving our content file-by-file and auditing each file as we went. In doing so, we located a hole in one of our vendor’s APIs that was the root cause of this situation. We have now rewritten the offending code completely and added additional security measures on our new server environment to ensure your information's security.

You may have noticed the website go down during the transition. It is back up now and secure.

My deepest apologies for this problem - SBrown especially. Please rest assured we take this problem very seriously, and we have implemented a number of extra security measures today to ensure that we don’t have any compromises in the future.

I hope you’ll understand the lack of technical details around the issue – unfortunately this is a case of ‘the less said the better’ for security's sake.