Originally Posted By: BobKay
Wait, you built your VP160 cabinet w/o a table saw? But didn't that prove to you that you don't need one? I'm kidding, of course, every household should have one, but you were sure a determined little caveman if you did it w/o.

No, no, don't tell me if the truth is otherwise. Hey, it's just more content for your mythic retelling of it, 25 years from now. "Yup, all I had was a rusted backsaw with 17 teeth missing, a #1 flathead screwdriver, a pencil and some glue. Not bad, eh kids?!"

How did you know?? you been peekin in my garage. I will have to save the story for the grandkids.

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry