Originally Posted By: Lampshade
cool. I wish I could be there. Personal favor, please watch the blu ray close encounters of the third kind, even if you only watch the ending. let me know what it's like when the mother ship rolls in.

I called the local movie rental place, and they do not have close encounters of the third kind on blu ray....

Originally Posted By: SBrown

I was thinking of plugging all my amps into the PPC, which is a total of six. I also have the PR-MC5500 which I bought with the Onkyo prepro 5508 (9.2) for the surrounds.

What is the current rating for the power strip/breaker that the outlet strip is going to be plugged into? You don't want to overload the strip/breaker....

I am already at the point that i have tripped the breaker the HT is on 2 times now... So i know i need to get more power to the HT equipment.. Mainly the amps... I am not one who believes in segregating power for no reason(i guess i am not an "audiophile"). I believe that as long as i am operating within the limits of my equipment then I'm good... However, since i am tripping breakers; i think i will get a couple of dedicated outlets installed, each on their own 20a breaker... I will also get a "whole house surge supressor" put in as well.