Agreed. A pet's behavior is derived from a combination of training and instinct. Many times, the training will override instinct, and the animal will be well behaved. Unfortunately, instinct wins out form time to time.

For example, take a pitbull. So many people have this dog as a pet. The dog was bred to create a ferocious fighting dog that gets tossed into a pit with another pitbull and they fight until one is killed. They were "engineered" to fight, and yet people try, and many succeed, to have them as pets. And then you hear about it. The beloved family pet decides that for a few seconds, instinct wins out over anything else, and some child gets maimed or killed.

Maybe the dog I saw was a mixed breed. Like a cross between a shih tzu and a poodle. They call them Shiht-Poos. (think about it a second...)

So maybe it was instinct, maybe the neighbor was watching the door for the others and it was just going back to where it normally went, maybe they need a fence...

Farewell - June 4, 2020