I read it, and won't post. GT like to make the blind claims that Axiom people (staff or forum members) started this whole "war" by calling him names, etc. He blames this community for the things that he did and still does himself.

Honestly, I think that he has some really good things to say about many topics, but his bashing just for the sake of steering people away is stupid. Kind of like that annoying little kid that keeps saying "I'm not touching you... I'm not touching you..." over and over and over while poking their finger towards your face. They serve no purpose but to annoy the crap out of someone and provide no real value. At some point someone needs to smack the kid upside the head (GT, when you read this, I am not saying to punch, stab, maul, kill, just smack like your mamma would do when you got out of line) so that maybe they realize that THEY are the troll, THEY are the moron, THEY are the buffoon that is just making an ass of themself.

Unfortunately, logic and reason conveyed with a calm tone (or aggressive one) hasn't done it since the guy is sitting at home in Ohio where nobody but his mamma knows where he lives. :-)

Farewell - June 4, 2020