I do have a sub...a JBL PB10. I think I said earlier that I will not be surprised if I have to upgrade that based on it's musical performance.

Along those lines, I went to COMPUSA during lunch to see if by chance they had an HSU STF-2 on sale for the advertised $350 that everyone's been buzzing about. The online inventory site said that they did not, but I figured I'd blow some lunch time and take a look.

Picture me standing there completely conflicted like a deer in the headlights when I see two of them out in the middle of the aisle w/ a "Blowout $350" sign on top. The reasonable side of me said that I should wait and see how the JBL handles things, but the impulsive side of me said to grab this thing while I can.....a chance to get this for $50 less than HSU direct (shipping washed against the tax). Man, did it ever take a lot for me to turn and walk out of there.