
I took the plunge and ordered the M60s, VP150 and QS8s without seeing them first, it was probably a big mistake.

I received them last Thursday. After I set it up, I found that I have a problem with the M60s - the cloth grille is elastic and very close to the drivers. I didn’t realized that they would be so close to the drivers when I saw pictures of them before I ordered. I’ve seen other brand speakers with similar grille covers in stores (like Infinity), and they leave much more room between the drivers and the cover. when I pressed a little on the cloth cover, I could touch the drivers. I would say this is a design flaw with Axiom tower speakers.

My problem is, I have a 2-year-old toddler who loves to bang her toys on everything she could reach, not to mention when she looses her balance walking, she would fall on anything and uses it as support. I have the floorstanding speakers in the living room, and her toys and her little hands (with possibly her full bodyweight) are very likely to hit right on the drivers. unless the drivers are designed and built to withstand such impact (which I don't think), I'll need some better protection on the speakers.

Instead of returning the speakers (I do love their sound), I hope I could find a solution to this problem. I’m sure there are other folks on this board who have pets or small children with the M60s? how do you protect the drivers?
