Andrew, ROFLMAO. Whew!

Now THAT is the kind of creative engineering we're looking for!

Where the heck is Ray? I'm betting he can come up with something on this. Although the "molten lava" idea is going to be hard to beat.

I say wall-mount 'em. Or maybe hang them from the ceiling with pulleys. Some kind of a "Monster House" contraption, including a garage-door-opener to retract them when not in use? Could you put something rigid over the entire speaker (or just the front panel, even) when she is "in the zone"? Did you keep the boxes? You could decorate them with kid art and slide them over the top. Put them on really robust stands (like 2' of concrete blocks or some other WAF-horror)? Seems like Craig liked his raised up a bit.

Okay, seriously, I know I'm not helping. Don't you think "design flaw" is a little strong? Putting tower speakers in your toddlers world is probably a lot better than putting bookshelves-on-stands in it. She'll grow up, you'll get some matchbox cars in the ports, a bit of grape jam on the grillcloth. So what? Life is like that.

You could buy some M22's and wall mount those, but I kind of like the mitigation measures already proposed by others (turn them, build a separation zone, etc.).

Enjoy the music. Enjoy your kids. Enjoy them together.

bibere usque ad hilaritatem