we have the TEXAS REPUBLIC in my parts.. talk about being 'out there'.. these guys are under the delusion that TEXAS, as a separate state/country, would be better off on its own as opposed to being 'lumped' in with the rest of the US of america. there are small pods/groups through out the state that have formed small militia's, and are arming up and preparing for the 'revolution'.. some of the hardcore believers, have even formed small communities where they form their 'own' laws and social guidelines. they rebel against all 'foreign' forms of govt(any other than their own), and refuse to abide by state and national laws.(taxes, law enforcement, etc)..

now, i am proud to be a TEXAN, as ya'll all know.. but, to me, this is going a little too far.. i am a card carrying memeber of the NRA, but that doesnt necessarily mean that i believe everything that the NRA organization does.. as it stand right now, TEXAS is the best state in the union, so i see no need to change anything..
