Originally Posted By: AlaskanAVGuy
Pepsi is literally flavored with Aborted Fetus for flavoring.


Don't be Ignorant

I had to laugh at your post with a bemused admiration. I guess if you're gonna hate, at least hate with gusto and, whether intended or not, humor.

If you had read the whole article, you'd have seen this section:

"To be clear, the aborted fetal tissue used to make Pepsi's flavor chemicals does not end up in the final product sold to customers, according to reports -- it is used, instead, to evaluate how actual human taste receptors respond to these chemical flavorings."

Don't be ignorant, indeed.

Hey, did you know, there are millions of bacteria pooping in your mouth right this second?! They're having sex, swapping DNA, all that stuff.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.