Originally Posted By: Crimson Wrath
Gene seems like a very experience fellow in the field with an EE degree (he seems to like to bring that up often).

Has he ever designed anything, or worked as an EE for a quantifiable amount of time? All of us know you go to college to get the basics and the piece of paper, then you learn the real skillset in industry..

I would trust Andrew infinitely more than Gene. While both have the same education (EE) one is a practicing engineer, while the other appears not to be...

I also noticed Gene throwing his education around.. I know several people with an EE degree that i correct on electrical theory all of the time. But, thats because i was in that field and know the practical application as well as theory, they know the math and think they know the theory..

Man, at this rate i'll probably never be aloud to register at audioholics should i want to... Oh well.