At hand is not that the speakers sound bad.. it's just they sound much better when I run them through the powered amp. And with the LFR's hooked up, my 5 channel amp doesn't have enough channels to do 5.1 or more as 4 of those channels are taken up by the front left and right.

The amp on my Pioneer SC1227 receiver is pretty good, but it just doesn't sound as open and good on the surround as when I run it through the power amp that I have. I know it really shouldn't have that big of a difference, but for some reason I hear one. (psychosomatic??)

So do I add another 4 channels to my current amp collection? Or my thinking is getting another 7 channels and getting ready for 11.1

I could get two of those Crown XLS1000's for about $800

I was looking at the deal on Outlaw's web site for the AVR8801+7700 amp for $4900
I could get the Yamaha CXA5000 for $2600 + used cheep 6 channel amp @ 450-500

oh, how money can slip through your fingers like water to get closer to that perfection.

Anthem: AVM60, Fosi DAC-Q5
Axiom: ADA1500, LFR1100 Actiive, QS8, EP500, M3, M3comp, M5