Like tomtuttle has said, you guys are my best tech support. Thanks in advance.

I've been using a Dell desktop since 2004, WinXP SP3, and my wife has a MacBook, c.2009 running Snow Leopard (10.6.8). The Dell seems on its last legs, and I'm not sure I need to replace it if I can use the Macbook and if it will have a decent lifespan remaining. Gail has foregone the MacBook for an iPad 2, so looks like WAF-wise, it's a go.

My goal is to learn iPhoto/iMovie to finally get off my butt and archive our digital photos and movie clips from the last several years, i.e. burn them to CD/DVD, pick ones to print at Costco. We are living that old TV commercial where the photos are trapped on the SD cards, just sitting there for months and years on end. I also want to get all our music files in one place and rip the remainder of the CD collection. Most of it was ripped years ago to the Dell.

I bought a 1 TB hard drive (Silicon Power A60) to back up her Mac, which has only a 160 GB hard drive which is 2/3 full.

I have many photos and mp3s on the Dell that I'd like to move to the Mac, where my iPhone is synced. Just got a 128GB iPhone 6 plus that should hold all my music. I know that everything won't fit on the Mac at once, so I imagine shuffling files between Mac and external HD.

I've begun searching online for ways to get PC files to the Mac, but I figured it best to go with trusted help from you guys.

Any suggestions/links/funny cat pictures are appreciated.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.