I'm curious about your choice of QS4s and the VP100 to go with an M60. You say this is for a home theater, so presumably stereo audio isn't too important, but you're paying for the almost-top towers, while that same $400 (compared to the M22s) could go to upgrading the QS4s to 8s and the VP100 to a 150. Assuming you set your crossover the same on all channels (as recommended, and few receivers let you do otherwise), I don't think you'll be using the M60 much.

Anyway, it's up to you, and I know your head already hurts, but I'm just curious about that combination. I just ordered an M22/VP150/QS8 combination, but didn't have much choice about towers due to cats & (future) kids. Since ours is almost exclusively HT, I don't know if I would have gotten towers anyway.
