Originally Posted By SqBobGodPants
It's nice that everyone is just flinging around the word, "mouflon," as if no one's paying attention. Mouflon are predominantly from The Caucuses, the part the includes both Iran AND Iraq! The only ones not living there, of which I am aware, live in Buffalo, New York, at the zoo.

So, AG, if you're from Europe, like you SAY you are, how'd such a thing get onto your shelf? Huh?

Really? No one else is suspicious? Just me?

(AG, this is called "hijacking" a thread. Current U.S. street language would omit the "hi," thus leaving simply, "jacking.")

I'm going to make two phone calls in the name of Homeland Security. First, I'm calling the zoo in Buffalo for a head-count. Then, I'm calling whoever is in charge of that part of The Caucuses. Wait! That'd be, like, 60 or 70 international phone calls! Never mind.

Alright, you got me frown

By the way, turned the speakers upside down and that solved the issue for now. We will see what the future will bring.