Originally Posted By MarkSJohnson
Balanced = Veil Lifted

Mark -- very intriguing. Are you referring to an all-else-equal scenario (same equipment, but only altering the mode of connection; also, level matched)? I assume the connection you're talking about is from a balance preamp to an outboard amp (or perhaps a sub with one built in)? How long a run of cable is the balanced interconnect you're referring to?

I have a notion of moving at some point in the future (several years from now if ever) to a Marantz pre with balanced outs, and separate mono amps at the location of my mains and center (VP180 and m80s, V4). One wonders if this would be a "real" upgrade (noticeable in the sound) vs. a "vanity" upgrade (and there are more moving parts in the equation than just the balanced signal). BUT .. I have prewired all locations for signal level (balanced) and amplified (speaker cable) alternatives, so it is of interest to hear your thoughts & some details on the context.

Cheers - SQ