I'm here every day, but you all know me.... My posts are usually in response to something, and I don't start new topics very often, so when other people are quiet, I am too (but I am here).

As for the Trump comments from casey01, I just figured that he started building a wall between the US and Canada already and the data bits weren't making it through.

Although, it could also be that Hillary illegally used the same servers that Axiom uses for the web site to store her classified emails and the server has been getting "scrubbed" and frantic deletions have been happening.

Or maybe it is Bernie and his "everyone shares, even though only a fraction pays" and he took over the servers that Axiom paid for, and started offloading the information to a general storage pool and is stealing, I mean "borrowing" 75% of the bandwidth that Axiom pays for in order to give that 75% to someone who can't afford internet so that they can get Google fiber at their government provided housing so that they can "search for jobs" while they drive around in their newer SUV to buy a 65" TV and the latest PS4 and XBox One for their kids... Oh wait, that is Obama.

(Sorry, I just am feeling "all inclusive" this morning, and wanted to get a jab at all of those political buffoons in all major parties.)

Farewell - June 4, 2020