Hey Jack, I almost forgot to mention why I include that pic of the back wall (other than to show off the genuine basswood shutters - painted white ).

As can be seen by the photo the QS8s are VERY far apart, 8' off the ground, 1' of clearance to the ceiling and not pointed at the LP. For the above reasons I was toying w/ the idea of adding more power to my system. Instead, I may try using the FMB, or some such, to angle the QS8s in and down toward the LP. It may allow me to turn the surrounds down a bit when calibrating and will certainly provide a better surround field than the current positioning allows.

Where they are now they sound like direct radiating speakers. When I had QS8s on stands right behind the LP the surround effects were pretty stunning.

Watched 4 movies this Spring Break!!! "Open Range", "Gods and Generals", "The Italian Job", and "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". I highly recommend them all save the latter - it's only redeeming quality is the sound effects.