Originally Posted By aarons

Still considering just selling the PJ and upgrading. Nick mentioned a JVC, any specific model? Anyone else have suggestions?

For something under $5000, you have a lot of options. Any of the current JVCs will really be impressive. The Epson line-up is pretty solid too. Avoid any low end (as reflected by price) Epson and you will be OK.

Also be weary of side-by-side specs for contrast. JVC has the most "honest" (if you can call it that) contrast ratios. By that, I mean that you might see a 50,000:1 ratio on a JVC and a 1,000,000:1 on another brand, and the JVC will will out in real world tests. Not always, but just something to consider. The other specs don't get skewed as much.

Farewell - June 4, 2020