Originally Posted By MatManhasgone

But isn't that the point. I have two subs, and if they are offloading that much from power demand from the amp that I don't require the extra wattage, then why the heck would I want to have it? The only reason would be that the if/when the subs do fail and it's considered too costly to fix them, then perhaps having the extra wattage for the LFR's might be advantageous. But what is going to fail in the subs? the amp. So if amps are the likely component to fail, what is to say that the ADA1500 won't fail around the same time as the subs? in which case it would have been a waste of money as now I'd have to repalce both.

You are describing the law of diminishing returns. There comes a point where you have to spend incredible amounts of money to get the most marginal of benefits. To some, it's worth it, to others, meh. If you can't detect the improvement or measure it to your satisfaction, I agree, it may not be worth the upgrade.

My 14 year old doesn't understand why his iPhone/ear buds isn't good enough for me. Heck, he prefers his Xbox headset to watch movies than my full 5.1.2 Atmos setup.