stereo has incrementally gotten better as follows:

1. Moving from 1970s vintage Realistic speakers, a Kenwood receiver and 8-track tape and vinyl to Bose 601 series III, 1990 vintage Yammie receiver and cassette player

2. Adding a 1990s vintage CD player

3. Moving from a 10x10 room to a 4200 ft^3 space

4. Upgrading my 1990 vintage Yammie receiver to a 2002 vintage Denon

5. Gifting my Boses to my good friend who is 15 years my senior and has gone deaf from competitive shooting when I upgraded to M80 v2. This was an absolutely HUGE change.

6. Upgrading my Yammie to a 2013 vintage Onk. The XT32 made a HUGE change (in all listening modes)

7. Moving my MLP from 8 feet on the diagonal from the M80s to 14 feet away. This was more than HUGE; it was a revelation for all listening modes.

8. Upgrading my EP600v2 to the EP800v4 NME. This was another HUGE change in all listening modes.

The VP150v2 to 160v4 was another HUGE change but of course it doesn't count for stereo only. BTW, anyone with the 150 is ruining their life. Ditto with the 600v2 or earlier.

I have amazing width even in stereo but I lack stage depth. The LFRs can apparently give me that but I wonder what I might sacrifice in return.