I received my 2nd AA.

I cant get multi-room audio from iOS Airplay to work. Any details on how to do this? Any videos? I don't find the Web UI or iOS UI to be very intuitive.

What settings do I need to keep multi-room on?

I start music on one AA then drag the non-active/not playing AA over the playing AA and nothing happens -both have no sound. The UI The first AA shows the song is still playing but the audio from the speaker stops. The 2nd AA does not play any audio in this setup either.

Has anyone done this successfully?? What am I missing?

Thanks in advance!!

Last edited by Shawzy44; 08/10/18 11:52 PM.



M80 V3 | VP150 | EP125 | Denon 2809ci | Emotiva XPA-3 | 2 x AxiomAir N3 |