Of course the double blind, ABX test is the purest form of a test. But - let's explore options that would make current testing much better. We should have a standard as follows:

1. The reviewer has a reference system. This reference system doesn't need to include $500,000 worth of gear, but it should be high quality.

2. All components should be hidden behind a speaker cloth style barrier to prevent being able to see the component.

3. When a new component is introduced into the system, someone else sets it up. The reviewer has NO idea which component was swapped out, and what was swapped in. All he/she knows is a change was made.

Listening is done, and results posted, before the person is allowed to know the component. This method is very easy with speakers and amps.

Pre-amps and sources are more challenging, but still possible.

The issue is - none of the magazines is even willing to TRY. They tell us that one HAS to have the visual cues in order to do a proper test.

As Ian said - now it's just an opinion, and it's based on price, company name, personal bias and MAYBE some sound quality.