I bought my M80s in April of '17..v4?? I do have a sealed sub EP500 (love it!) When I first hooked it up and before the amp arrived, I listened to the 3500 on its own. A bit better sounding at louder volumes than the 2300...I can hear the difference, although minute. Can definitely tell when I hooked up the amp. 2.1 listening is WAYYYYYY better. Movies and such is about the same unless I really turn it up. I'm happy with it all around. It will "get me by" till I upgrade speakers. I could slide my couch back against the wall again so the Qs8s are at the sides...or I could just move them up and to the sides of the couch for movies..I have allowed extra speaker wire to each so I could move them around a bit to experiment. I'll get there!