The original LFRs were v3. They also had white dust caps. But if you purchased them new in 2017, they must be v4. I ask because the v4 mid-range is an improvement over the v3.

I have the active LFR1100 and don't have a similar problem. I've had them playing 116 dBC peaks at 10 feet away full range. No popping. Popping is a sign the driver is damaged or is moving beyond its limits.

I suggest you take this up with Axiom directly.

P.S. 80-83 dB at 12 feet away is not much. Likely that phone app is not good for the intended use.

Last edited by Mojo; 09/15/20 03:25 PM.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated