Well, I got very tempted at some point to use all the rebates to finally put my hands on a pair of mystical M5HPs!
Added them to my cart. Sat on said hands quite a few times... only to free one hand to clear the shopping cart and try to get over the heartbreak...

But then this morning I looked up and started musing... Hm... I don't have a xmas present yet in mind... Hm... Let's see... Hm...


Ordered a pair of Boston Cherry M5HP, but with the 21 days option. They will be replacing a pair of M22v2 as my computer speakers. This is going to be AWESOME. It is coupled with my 13-year old EP500. So it is already sounding pretty good. Can't wait... Wait... I just told them I CAN wait... Arrrggh!

See Mojo's signature