So there is an issue with the 180. I got it all set up, and noticed that the speaker is way more shiny than my other speakers. The 180 was order in boston cherry, to match my other speakers, but the 180 looks like it has a piano gloss finish. I do like the look way more than my other speakers that are quite honestly dull in comparison, but I don't like it paired with my other speakers because it looks out of place. Has this happened to anyone else? When I spoke to JC he said something like a couple years ago Axiom stopped using some type of finish (I can't remember what he said) and changed to real wood wraps (or whatever term he used). I thought that this was odd because the EP800 that I just got, has the exact same finish as my other speakers that are v1's. JC did email me a little later and said this - " The picture was examined by our person in charge of the finish and here is his comment . . .

Cherry will continue to darken. Plus two different boards may take stain differently. Nothing with the process or products used have changed."

Sooooo yeah....... should the newer speakers look like the 180, and Axiom did change the veneer, or did I get a glossy 180 by accident?

Here is the picture showing the difference, which is even more apparent in-person.


Last edited by Ya_basta; 04/06/21 10:46 PM.

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