My newly ordered EP 600 with "The Switch" arrived on Christmas Eve via the transportation people.... what a nice present as I was not expecting it until late next week.

Here is the scoop: I placed the new 600 at the 6 O'Clock position behind the listening position and to my left the EP 800 at 9 pm and the Bryston Model T sub at my right at 3 am.

Dr. Mojo and I have been having a number of discussions on crossover settings on the preamp to enhance the overall effect. The preamp is an Anthem AVM60 and main amps are a pair of Anthem M1's feeding Bryston Model T Signature front speakers.

I have loved this system since I installed it and the bass is articulate and beautiful.... I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the EP600 just to see/hear what it will do in the mix.

This thing is one seriously powerful Subwoofer. It's a different animal than the EP800. It's also quite different than the EP500 I had at the rear position. I decide to stack the EP500 on top of the 600 for the fun of it. That took some work tuning the two in terms of output and phasing. But once it was set up and then phased properly with the other subs in the room, I was astounded at how much it filled the room.

However, the most important change I made was going into the bass management settings on the AVM60 and changing the default speaker crossover settings from Sub LFE at 40 hz. to 'bypass'. That sent the full range of low frequencies to the subs with no roll-off ranges. I set all the subs at crossover 150 hz. for the full range and the main speakers at 80 hz which rolls-off the lows under 80 hz. The subs are doing the heavy lifting now up to 150 hz, over-lapping the mains (and the Model T's are no slouch with triple 8 inch woofers). The Model T massive triple 8 inch woofers are now doing the work in the mid bass to mid range; the subs are doing the very low end up into the mid/upper bass.

All I can say is that this is something that I have not experienced thus far in terms of performance ..... it is simply off the charts. It works in my room, perhaps not in your room and also who knows what the Anthem AVM60 is doing which would be different from another preamp. But try it!

The bass is so detailed and just simply perfect; probably because I love mid/upper bass ranges which are more in line with music to me. Bass guitars are just musical and like live venues. And the other key improvement is the articulation in the mid and upper ranges as they really stand out properly since the bass is 'managed' as it should be; again to me.

How is the low bass? It's still there smile It's unchanged; but it just simply sync's. NO more mud at all!

Try this.