Originally Posted by Slava_Ukraini
In my case, I have the PreAmp along with CD, BluRay, Amazon Firecube, Volumio, 4 surround amps ....
Yes, I hear ya ... I'm in the same boat ... almost the same setup.

Originally Posted by Slava_Ukraini
it's like going out an buying a Farrari and realizing that you need to make a coat hanger loop to open your car door as they just couldn't be bothered to put a door handle on when they made it. Yes you can get inside the car and it drives beautifully, but it's just a bit of an inconvenience. And Enzo says "why you lock the door.. just leave it open".
Can I tweak your amnalogy ... that you need to leave the Ferrari running when parked else you'll reduce engines life

Last edited by rrlev; 06/19/22 02:16 AM.