Lots of points to be scored at mojos place!

I personally don’t need or want the in ceiling speakers but they came with the house and are there, and.. my wife is keen on them and having a simple to use system with her phone as the only thing to use or interact with has her stoked. She wants to be able to be in the kitchen and have either music streaming from her Spotify account or to have the tv sound going so she can hear her shows and see them on the other side of the great room on the big screen. And if she is keen on something audio and or video that’s great! She’s not interested in the main system at all. She likes the bedroom system to play a record.

But agreed, in ceiling speakers are not my first choice for a quality listening experience.

Last edited by Kodiak; 12/04/22 04:09 AM.

M60ti Hafler9505 & JFET Pre,Axiom Transformer. M3 Marantz PM7200 Dual 606 Denon 2700 M2 Yammy RX595