Originally Posted by Kodiak
Also, more in line with this thread, I hate the Bryston website. The place markers are strange. They don’t really work. It’s a weird way to display your lineup. Not a fan of the website at all.

I had a closer look at their site as a lurker. As a Gen X'er rather than the baby boomer target audience (the half-deaf ones retiring en masse), I'm just not a candidate for old school audiophilia. I'll let the fantasy of owning racks of equipment, loudspeakers that play over 110 dB, and stereo listening die off with that generation.

My gripes of the site (with unsolicited commentary):
- No MSRP pricing (because dealers would gripe about not being able to dictate price?)
- Too much use of renderings (because they don't have enough margins to hire a photographer?)
- Indecipherable model names (because who doesn't love studying their product catalog for the sake of coding, the sending of signals that you're "in the know", in hopes of receiving an acknowledgment that you possess advantage?)
- For a company with a reputation for engineering, why counter it with questionable products such as power conditioners? (or for that matter, 4-figure DAC's, headphone amps, and phono pre-amps)
- testimonials from dealers (I can't make this stuff up)

I personally think the future is full bandwidth wireless multichannel, but I don't think they have the technical experience to pull it off unless there's some sort of wireless system-on-a-chip that's commercially available for integration.

Author of "Status 101: How To Keep Up In A World That Keeps Score While Buying Into Buying Less"