No pro chef uses anything but a honing steel, OK? And most have no idea how to properly use a honing steel. Why would they? Their job is to plan and cook not fool around with knives and sharpeners. When they can't slice a tomato, the successful ones just throw the knife out and get another one. The less successful ones call up their knife sharpener to come over and sharpen their knives.

Canes once again proves my point. He's a skilled sharpener. He's skilled at sharpening because he's not a chef.

And me. My knives are so sharp, I cut roast beef so thin, my in-laws never came back. And all I can cook is a grilled cheese sandwich but only with a recipe in hand. Proves my point again.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated