It is not just you... I just recieved my 60's and I feel the same way about the bass. It seems to be lacking or not even there. I am running my denon 3805 on the factory default settngs while I install the remaining qs8's and await my subwoofers arrival. The cross over is set at 80, the are on large, and I even raised the bass setting +3db.

I know that once a subwoofer arrives and is added they should be great. It is disturbing though that the 60 doesnt produce the lower frequencies enough to be a stand alone pair of speakers. Hopefully this will resolve itself to my satisfaction once the sub is added..and hopefully it arrives before the 30 day return time ends so I can make my decision.

And fyi I dont have any preconcieved notion of music with a subwoofer since I have never had one. I just feel that the 60's should be producing lower frequencies as well as the do mid and highs (which is great)