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I have a question of placing qs4. My listening chair is only 1 feet from the back wall. How far should I place QS4 on the side wall from the back wall?

Why not place them on the back wall anyway? Think most of us in the same situation have done the same thing. Putting them on a side wall within a few feet of the back wall will create some reflective ugliness. Is there enough space to put them flanking the listening position?

My aural transducers (ears) are 47" above the floor when seated (I'm a tall one and the couch is overstuffed), the middle of the tweeters are mounted at about 52" above the floor (estimation because they're currently back in their boxes while we renovate - but based on where the brackets are) and are separated by 8' 6" - just outside the footprint of the couch, which is less than optimal, but if I'd slid them out any farther, one would be too close to a hard corner, I'm a bit limited in my options due to a built-in.

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and How high should i place qs4 from the ground (my room height is 8 feet and ear level is 36-37 inches from the ground)?

I'd say try something in the low 40s range.

Bren R.