Yes, of COURSE it's the positioning of the speakers that makes the difference. It certainly isn't the fact that the stands are blessed by Mapleshade. That aside, if you want to place the speakers in such a position you can't simply prop it up with a piece of wood in the front because the brass cones make a huge difference in keeping the clarity intact with the low positioning. So, you can buy some cones from whomever and have your local friendly carpenter make you up something suitable and wait god knows how long and then save what- $50? My local carpenters are fairly expensive. If I could buy the same stand for less I certainly would, but i'm unaware of anyone making something comparable. In any case, I was listening to glorius sound 2 days after I placed my order, which is worth something to me. Others may choose to wait months for the local friendly carpenter, but I want to enjoy my system. Go in peace.