welcome to the axiom family.. 'open range' is a great demo movie for your surround system.. i still use the rain scene to show people the importance of good surrounds. if you watch any of the 'matrix's' or 'underworld' you also get a great work from the surrounds as the shell casings from the guns bounce off the floor.. its pretty neat.

keep tweaking on the crossover.. its all about persoanl preference.. i have mine set at 80Hz, and i like it.. fooled with it some this weekend, but ended up going back to my original setting at 80Hz. it will take some time til you get it to where it sounds good to you.

your HK receiver is very desired around here, so you might just need to tweal it a little to get the music sounding right. or, as you mentioned, you may need some time for your ears to adjust.. i persoanlly, dont believe in break-in.. i am sure you will get several diff opinions, but you can make up your own mind.. but, if you give it a week, your eras will be acoustom to the new, full, vibrant sound from the axioms.. if you dont believe me, after a week, go plug your old speakers back up, and they will sound horrible. i did it, and i am a believer.

enjoy your new system.. have fun with it.
