I have had the m22s for about 2 weeks now. I am very happy with the sound particularly for acoustic instruments and vocals. Slightly less great when dealing with electronic instruments and poor cds but I was warned of this. The bass was perfectly described by Axiom's Alan as 'pleasant'. I would be tempted to say that the m22s don't color the music but do color my listening habits a little.

My only real problem is the look of the ss16 stands - the base doesn't look great to me and my girlfriend hates it. So I am trying to decide on what to do
a) get nicer stands - seen a few on the web but nothing which looks a whole lot better
b) get m40s - emotionally against going from 3 drivers to 2 so this is out
c) get m50s - extra money doesn't seem extortionate but bit worried the sound may actaully be a step down in clarity from what I have now - I have read some of the comparisons and some indicate the loss of detail is only likely to be noticeable in a strict a/b comparison, others say it is very striking - obviously this is rather subjective thing :-(
d) get the m60s - this is way more than I ever intended spending at the outset of my speaker buying adventure but maybe it is a good long term investemnt. Even if I do break the bank, slight concern with m50s and m60s is that I won't be sitting far enough away from these speakers - I will have the speakers about 7 feet apart and my ears will be about 9 feet from the front of each speaker ( room is about 20x13x8)

any thoughts welcome