Hey dmw congrads on your purchase. I'm sure the M80's sound all that much sweeter when you get them at such a bargain!

I don't begrudge any company making a tidy profit if they're breaking new ground as Axiom is. The reality is they're bringing excellent products to the market at an as of yet unheard of value. In time others companies will catch on to the "direct to consumer concept" and there'll be even more pressure to tighten those profit margins.

As far as the drivers go, I remember someone else bring this up here in the forum and as I recall Axiom has a factory in china. Axiom designs the drivers and they are made to spec in china. Makes sense if you think about. Cheap labour to build the drivers. The cabinet are heavy and costly to ship so that's likely why they're assembled in Canada, closer to the consumer.

Cheers, Jag