hey Saturn just turned me on to this link. This is amazing.


I hav e question for thought..maybe answers too

Look at the Elite 47tx and the Denon 5803 for example...the elite has 2 of the DSPs they have in common versus the 1 on the Denon.. is this an improvement?

also the +DSP is a different chip....so almost the same but not ..

how do you interpret this?

then this is funny

the DEnon wnet dueal on the DAC that it has in common and the Elite has 1...now this is getting funny LOL

really is there an edge one has on the duals or the other has on the duals?

are these machines near twins?

man this is good stuff to learn

BTW what is +DSP?


"There is one thing that I know for sure, and that is that I know nothing." ...Socrates